Tibbi Manti Hutmanahun

Commonly known as 'Fools and Alms', the Tibbi Manti Hutmanahun are a Tarvuist organisation devoted to Tarvuic entertainment.

Tibbi Manti Hutmanahun was set up in 1911 by flamboyant Tarvuist George 'Centrefold' Ben-Ennet, in New York.

Starting with only $10 in his pocket, he set out to “create the most perfect entertainment grouping in all of religious history” (from 'George By Name': Memories of a Tarvu's Boy, Carlton press, 1957).

Ben-Ennet began by setting up a chain of 'speakeasies' in New York, in which Tarvuists (and non-Tarvuists) could eat, drink and sing Tarvuist songs, while enjoying top quality Tarvuist entertainment. These venues were known as 'Georgies'.

Above: US mid Western Georgy, circa 1870

Some well-known Georgies' entertainers

Soon, the Georgies were big business, and with it, membership to Tarvuism grew.

Then the depression hit, and sadly, by the mid 1930's, all the Georgies had closed down (with the exception of 'Georgie Town - the largest and original Georgie in New York which is still there to this day). Nevertheless, Ben-Ennett streamlined his organisation, and today the Tibbi Manti Hutmanahun concentrate on official Tarvuist exhibitions, Parventies and Thulibs. They also arrange the entertainment for High Pri'stm'nty Jon-John Torvakian's birthday parties.

Ben-Ennet died of viral pneumonia in 1967.