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 +====== The Tarvunty ======
 +The Tarvunty is the Holy Text of [[Tarvuism]]. It was dictated in Tarvish (Classical Tarvunian) by Lord [[Tarvu]] to his friend, the [[proffet]] [[Amzamiviram]], who translated it into five languages.
 +{{:tarvunties.jpeg?354x242|A group of Tarvunties}}
 +//A group of Tarvunties, including (bottom of pile on left) the famous 'Glory to Amzamiviram' edition, 1856.//
 +The Tarvunty consists of a great many books, some of which have yet to have been discovered.
 +  * B*g*nn'ngs - the [[creation]] of the two universes
 +  * Q*est'ons - why are we here? Why are not here? Why would we have been there? Questions on daily [[philopophy]]
 +  * N*rr*t'ves - Stories pertaining to honour, and humourous lyrics
 +  * D*l'mmas - Which river should a blind man cross if a deaf lady is on the other side, etc.
 +  * D*cis'ons - Should one say yes or no? When to say yes or no? Daily decision making
 +  * C'ntr*dict'ons - A treatise on life's contradictions
 +  * [[Proffet|Pr*ff'ts]] - Stories of the lives of the great Tarvuist proffets
 +  * P*nty-h'ynu - Details regarding the practice of Penty-haynu. Includes diagrams
 +  * J*urn'ls - [[Tarvu]]'s daily diary from the age of 16-20 - Discusses the onset of a very late puberty
 +  * P*ety - prayers
 +  * Cl*cks - Time-telling methods
 +  * N*rchun'ssaar - How to make Narchunassaar, and the best time to do so
 +  * T*rtun'ssaar - As above
 +  * V*rbun'saar - The way to dress, Tarvuist style
 +  * [[n_mb_rs|N*mb'rs]] - A collection of facts and figures relating to numbers. I.e 'there are 5 number 9's in the number 99999'
 +  * L*cky Nu*mb'rs - As above but all to do with the number 8
 +  * *nsw'rs - Answers to all questions left unanswered so far in the Tarvunty
 +  * M*re *nsw'rs - Basically Answers continued.
 +  * B*lls - Treatise on bell-making and ringing
 +  * [[p_r_doxes|P*r'doxes]] - Tarvuist paradoxes 
 +  * Abl*t'ons - Pertaining to matters of the toilet
 +  * W*tn'sses - Holy Tarvuists who have witnessed great things, i.e [[Alvinni the Martyr]]
 +  * C*incid'nces - [[Tarvu]] bumped into himself on Ralfinty Island, when he least expected it etc.
 +  * C*me-*pp'nces - Those who have crossed [[Tarvu]], and what happened to them
 +  * M*sings - Thoughts on life in general
 +  * Irr'tat'ons - Things that have annoyed [[Tarvu]] (such as stomach cramp)
 +  * F*llies - Little jokes 
 +  * R*c'pes - Tarvuist meals - how to make them
 +  * P*n'caeum (the Book of Medicines) - Natural remedies
 +  * F*shion - A replica of Virbunasaar, but written in capital letters
 +  * M*r'ls I - Tarvuist morals
 +  * M*r'ls II - As above
 +  * Gh*sts - A personal reflection written by [[Amzamiviram]] on ghosts he has met
 +  * Fe*l'ngs - [[Tarvu]] discusses various feelings he has had in his life. The greatest proportion is devoted to shyness
 +  * W*rs I - Tales of terrible battles witnessed by [[Tarvu]]
 +  * W*rs II As above, contd.
 +  * Pr*p'rty - How to keep a good house. Tips on buying a house
 +  * F*'ls - Idiots [[Tarvu]] has met
 +  * M*st'kes - Errors committed by [[Tarvu]] (very short book)
 +  * *n'mals - Early zoology 
 +  * M*nst'rs - [[Amzamiviram]] muses on possible monsters that might have existed
 +  * Pl*ys - Three plays written jointly with Amzamiviram: 'He is the Light' 'And they Bowed Down' and 'Handmaiden in Love'
 +  * M*nn'rs - [[Tarvunian]] etiquette
 +  * H**v'ns - Details on the afterlife
 +  * R*fl*cti'ns - A collection of memoirs
 +  * Disagr*em'nts - A list of every time someone had disagreed with [[Tarvu]] and how he was proved right
 +  * H*lid'ys - Writings on the various vacations and short breaks Tarvu took
 +  * A Treatise on Succesful Irrigation Systems
 +===== Other Works =====
 +In addition to the books comprising the Tarvunty, [[Tarvu]] wrote some other, non-spiritual works.
 +  * Doppi-nidoppinarvu I-IV (roughly tr., 'Criticisms') - a selection of reviews of musicians, plays and other entertainments that [[Tarvu]] witnessed.
 +  * Bellimentiharbu ('Bellmanship' ) - a treatise on bell design, written with [[Amzamiviram]], which predicted the use of the bell in the 'telic-fPhonic Devise'. (Illustration below).

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