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king_ikhnaten [2008/09/08 00:00]
king_ikhnaten [2008/09/08 17:40]
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 +====== King Ikhnaten ======
 +{{:ikhnaten.jpeg?320x320\King Ikhnaten}}
 +King Ikhnaten was the evil ruler of the kingdom of Ilgop. The King demanded that [[Tarvu]] hand over his Prophecies (the [[Prophecies of Tarvu]]), but [[Tarvu]] tricked the King by presenting him with a false set of parchments. Ikhnaten read that he was to visit an island covered in gold. It was here that he died. King Ikhnaten married his own mother when he was 13 (his mother was 30). This gave rise to the well-known expression 'Mother of Ikhnaten, lover of Ikhnaten'.

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