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bakersfield_conundrum [2008/09/11 00:00]
bakersfield_conundrum [2008/09/11 10:10]
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 +====== Bakersfield Conundrum, The ======
 +Term given to the mystery surrounding [[Tarvu]]'s great swim north with [[Oobu]] the holy octopus, after [[Tarvu]] fled the scene of his attempted execution in [[Baalb]].
 +[[Tarvu]] followed [[Oobu]] for several months (some say over a year) as they swam in completely the wrong direction (they were meant to go west) all the way up to the North Pole.
 +The phrase, 'Bakersfield Conundrum,' refers to the theologian and Tarvuist thinker, [[Iain Bakersfield]], (1890-1990) who first questioned [[Tarvu]]'s "sanity" (Bakersfield's words, quoted in his book, '[[Tarvu]]'s Second Swim,' Chadwick Press, 1961) for swimming the wrong way for such a long period of time, when he must have known that he was making a grave mistake. "After all," reminds Bakersfield, "//Was [[Tarvu]] not all-knowing?//".
 +In 1963, Gunter Hasse, the very vocal, Viennese [[Priestmunty]], famously posited that [[Tarvu]] swam in the wrong direction on purpose in order to prove - to nay sayers later on - that he was as human as they were - i.e that he was capable of making errors of judgement.
 +Hasse's argument fired much debate: why then, said many (including, most prominently Prof. Marcel Camillard in his treatise 'Pourquoi Non? Pourquoi [[Tarvu]]?' Paris Central Presse, 1967), should [[Tarvu]] want to admit to making mistakes after [[Tarvu]] had revealed himself as the Lord God. 
 +We may never know the real reason/reasons as to why [[Tarvu]] followed [[Oobu]] for such a long time, in freezing waters, all the while going the wrong way. There is also the question as to whether [[Tarvu]] 'erased' [[Oobu]]'s memory along the route, so as to save the octopus from the embarrassment of being wrong, or in order to prevent [[Oobu]] from announcing that Tarvu was the Lord to passing seal-lions (considered 'gossips'). 
 +There is even a suggestion (a completely unfoundered claim made by anti-Tarvuist, [[T.P.K. Henson]]) that [[Tarvu]] impregnated [[Oobu]]'s sister Ibble-Nency during the swim, and went to the North Pole, so as to avoid his fatherly duties.
 +As can be seen, this is a very lively matter for debate, further complicated by [[Iain Bakersfield]]'s shocking announcement on his deathbed, that he had had a lifelong, direct, private 'thought-line' to [[Tarvu]], and that [[Tarvu]] had personally told him that the reason he had swum to the North Pole, was so that he could 'set a new world record'.

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